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Square Root in C/C++

I am trying to implement my own square root function which gives square root's integral part only e.g. square root of 3 = 1.

I saw the method here and tried to implement the method

 int mySqrt(int x)
    int n = x;
    x = pow(2, ceil(log(n) / log(2)) / 2);
    int y=0;

    while (y < x)
        y = (x + n / x) / 2;
        x = y;

    return x;


The above method fails for input 8. Also, I don't get why it should work.

Also, I tried the method here

int mySqrt(int x)

    if (x == 0) return 0;
    int x0 = pow(2, (log(x) / log(2))/2) ;
    int y = x0;
    int diff = 10;

    while (diff>0)
        x0 = (x0 + x / x0) / 2; diff = y - x0;
        y = x0;
        if (diff<0) diff = diff * (-1); 


    return x0;


In this second way, for input 3 the loop continues ... indefinitely (x0 toggles between 1 and 2).

I am aware that both are essentially versions of Netwon's method but I can't figure out why they fail in certain cases and how could I make them work for all cases. I guess i have the correct logic in implementation. I debugged my code but still I can't find a way to make it work.


  • This one works for me:

    uintmax_t zsqrt(uintmax_t x)
        if(x==0) return 0;
        uintmax_t yn = x; // The 'next' estimate
        uintmax_t y = 0; // The result
        uintmax_t yp; // The previous estimate
            yp = y;
            y = yn;
            yn = (y + x/y) >> 1; // Newton step
        }while(yn ^ yp); // (yn != yp) shortcut for dumb compilers
        return y;

    returns floor(sqrt(x))

    Instead of testing for 0 with a single estimate, test with 2 estimates.

    When I was writing this, I noticed the result estimate would sometimes oscillate. This is because, if the exact result is a fraction, the algorithm could only jump between the two nearest values. So, terminating when the next estimate is the same as the previous will prevent an infinite loop.