What is the notation that I've seen in IBM manuals and other places (sample below) called?
[Mr.|Ol’] Slome[{r|Dog|Dawg}]
means "optional"
means "choose one"
means "not optional"
So the above sample allows: Mr. Slomer Ol' Slome SlomeDawg Mr. SlomeDog and a few others.
I thought it was a form of Backus-Naur until I Googled that and became confused.
(I ask because I intend to enable input using those symbols [among others], parse it, and do whatever the user is requesting. So while it isn't strictly a programming question, it's related to a programming concept that I intend to implement. If still illegal, fine; delete it.)
It could be one of the different variants of the BNF, in particular is a variant called Extended Backus-Naur Form.
In this form, however, {}
means repetition.