I am trying to populate the appointment start date of an Outlook Calendar appointment template with the date the user has selected on their calendar.
Can someone offer VBA code that allows me determine what (if any) date the user has selected on their calendar?
You may find the Selection property of the Explorer class helpful. It returns a Selection object that contains the item or items that are selected in the explorer window.
But what you are looking for is the SelectedStartTime and SelectedEndTime properties which are used to replicate programmatically the way that users create an appointment in the Outlook UI. Typically, a user selects a time range in the calendar view and then creates a new appointment by either double clicking the selection or clicking New Appointment in the Home tab of the ribbon. With these two properties of the CalendarView object, you can obtain the start time and the end time of any selection in that view programmatically.
You can then programmatically create the AppointmentItem object, setting the Start and End properties of the AppointmentItem object to the SelectedStartTime and SelectedEndTime properties respectively to reflect any user selection in the calendar view. If the selection in the calendar view is a time range and is not an item, SelectedStartTime returns a Date value equal to the start time of the selection. If one or more items are selected in the calendar view, SelectedStartTime returns a Date value equal to the start time of the first item in the selection of the explorer that displays the calendar view. That selection is specified by the Selection property of the Explorer object. For example:
Sub CreateAppointmentUsingSelectedTime()
Dim datStart As Date
Dim datEnd As Date
Dim oView As Outlook.view
Dim oCalView As Outlook.CalendarView
Dim oExpl As Outlook.Explorer
Dim oFolder As Outlook.folder
Dim oAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Const datNull As Date = #1/1/4501#
' Obtain the calendar view using
' Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.CurrentView.
' If you use oExpl.CurrentFolder.CurrentView,
' this code will not operate as expected.
Set oExpl = Application.ActiveExplorer
Set oFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set oView = oExpl.CurrentView
' Check whether the active explorer is displaying a calendar view.
If oView.ViewType = olCalendarView Then
Set oCalView = oExpl.currentView
' Create the appointment using the values in
' the SelectedStartTime and SelectedEndTime properties as
' appointment start and end times.
datStart = oCalView.SelectedStartTime
datEnd = oCalView.SelectedEndTime
Set oAppt = oFolder.items.Add("IPM.Appointment")
If datStart <> datNull And datEnd <> datNull Then
oAppt.Start = datStart
oAppt.End = datEnd
End If
End If
End Sub