I'm tryibg to only receive certain response from tumplr post or blogs. For example:
client = Tumblr::Client.new({
:consumer_key => 'xxx',
:consumer_secret => 'xxx',
:oauth_token => 'xxx',
:oauth_token_secret => 'xxx'
myblog = client.posts
puts myblog["posts"].each do |posts|
puts posts["id"]
I get an error:
posts': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..2) (ArgumentError)
from tumblr.rb:42:in <main>''
...I'm trying to be able to call specific responses instead of getting the whole lots of post info that you normally get back. Please and thanks for your help. :)
Try change:
myblog = client.posts
myblog = client.posts("yourblog.tumblr.com")