What's the recommended / supposed way to use a custom base path for Restler when it's not deployed at the root of a domain / subdomain?
My site has its own routing and I'm using Restler 3.0 at here:
When it routes to /api/data/movies
, I'm letting Restler take charge:
class Say {
function hello($to='world') {
return "Hello $to!";
function hi($to) {
return "Hi $to!";
use Luracast\Restler\Restler;
$r = new Restler();
$r->addAPIClass('Say', '/api/data/movies/say');
However, somehow it's not getting the parameters passed to it via sub-path. See below.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Bad Request: `to` is required."
"debug": {
"source": "Validator.php:366 at validate stage",
"stages": {
"success": [
"failure": [
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found"
"debug": {
"source": "Routes.php:431 at route stage",
"stages": {
"success": [
"failure": [
I tried to Google but found nothing relevant to my problem. How can I make it work? What's the recommended / supposed way to use Restler under a sub-directory-URL instead of a domain / sub-domain root?
As per Restler Documentation
You must have to pass to
parameter in your URL Request, So I think your URL should be example.com/api/data/movies/say/hi?to=test
But If you want to add custom Routing then Check how Restler Routing Works.
This API Server exposes the following URIs
GET say/hi/{to} ⇠ Say::hi()
I am not familiar with Restler, But I hope this should be help for you.