I'm trying to get JSON file via get method in RESTClient.
Right now I'm trying
def url = 'http://urlurlurl'
def username = 'username'
def password = 'password'
def restClient = new RESTClient(url)
restClient.auth.basic(username, password)
render restClient
When I see what I get from restClient, is just prints
Which is hard to understand.
Given that the url is a endpoint of a API get method, and contains JSON file, how can I retrieve JSON file so I can parse it and use that JSON file?
Also I'm trying this too
def url = 'http://urlurlurl'
def username = 'username'
def password = 'password'
def restClient = new RESTClient(url)
restClient.auth.basic(username, password)
//Adding get method
def jsonData = restClient.get(/* what value should I put in here?? */)
This gives me a forbbiden error that says:
Error 500: Internal Server Error
URI: JsonRender
Class: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException
Message: Forbidden
Any suggestions? Examples that uses get method in RESTClient will be nice.
The url should be the base url for your api. For example if we want to search some data from an api which complete url is http://localhost:9200/user/app/_search
. So, we have base url as http://localhost:9200/
and the path to api is user/app/_search
. Now the request looks like this
def client = new RESTClient( 'http://localhost:9200/' )
def resp = client.get( path : 'user/app/_search')
log.debug (resp.getContentAsString())
Hope this will work out.