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Mocha / Karma - how to test CSS properties

The angular directive that I am responsible for testing manipulates much of the css with click handlers. Also, it adds the css styles inside of the element.

 angular.element(dropDown).css({display: 'block'});

I have referenced another stack overflow post Testing whether certain elements are visible or not

I changed toBe to for mocha. I also tried to check for a attribute to be added on the click. Here are my expects listed below.


However, I am getting

[[object HTMLUListElement]]' is not a function 
TypeError: elem.getAttribute is not a function

I know it would be easier not have the css in the directive like so, but am wondering if anyone has tested for this or knows how to debug these?


  • What is elem in the context of your spec? Is that the $compiled directive?

    What does your beforeEach look like?

    What does the internal implementation of dropDown look like?

    This is how I test my directives:

    describe('directive', function () {
      var el, $scope; 
      beforeEach(function () {
        inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {
          $scope = $rootScope.$new();
          el     = $compile('<some-custom-dir></some-custom-dir>')($scope);
          // or if isolated $scope: 
      it('some css property', function () {
      it('some attribute', function () {
        expect(el[0].getAttribute('something')); // You need to unwrap the angular.element(el) with [0] to access the native methods. 
      it('some other attribute', function () {
        expect(el.attr('someAttr')).to.eq('...'); // Or just use .attr()

    Also, cannot be used that way. You can use in the following ways:;;;;;;;;;;, max); // delta range;, max);;;;;

    What you are looking for is the .to.eq or .to.equal method.

    expect('asdf')'asdf'); // Nope!
    expect('qwer').to.eq('qwer'); // Yay!
    expect([]).to.eq([]);         // Nope..
    expect([]).to.deep.equal([]); // Yay!
    expect({}).to.eq({});  // Nope..
    expect({}).to.eql({}); // Yay!