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Easiest way to find if a GET request does not find a resource

In the python-eve framework, what would be the easiest way to find in a post GET hook that the GET request failed to find any resources (for example, the given filtering parameters failed to match any resources)?



  • Since payload is a Flask Response object, you can take profit of its features. One option would be to simply investigate the _items key, which, on a collection endpoint, returns the actual documents:

    import json
    def on_post_get(resoure, request, payload):
        # get the actual response json out of Flask Response
        json = json.loads(payload.get_data())
        documents = json['_items']
        assert(len(documents) == 0)
    app = Eve()
    app.on_post_GET += on_post_get
    if __name__ == '__main__':