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How do I avoid 'source trait is private' when using subtraits?

I'm trying to use quickcheck in Rust. I want to define my enum as an instance of Arbitrary, so I can use it in tests.


extern crate quickcheck;

use quickcheck::{Arbitrary,Gen};

enum Animal {

impl Arbitrary for Animal {
    fn arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> Animal {
        let i = g.next_u32();
        match i % 3 {
            0 => Animal::Cat,
            1 => Animal::Dog,
            2 => Animal::Mouse,

However, this gives me a compilation error:

src/ 18:29 error: source trait is private
src/         let i = g.next_u32();

What causes this error? I know there's this rust issue but since Gen is imported I would think I could call .next_u32.


  • It looks like Gen has rand::Rng as a parent trait, the above works if you add extern crate rand after adding rand = "*" to your Cargo.toml.

    [I also had to remove the #[cfg(test)] above the quickcheck import]