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How lazy evaluation forced Haskell to be pure

I remember seeing a presentation in which SPJ said that lazy evaluation forced them to keep Haskell pure (or something along that line). I often see many Haskellers saying the same.

So, I would like to understand how lazy evaluation strategy forced them to keep Haskell pure as opposed to a strict evaluation stragegy ?


  • I think the answer by Jubobs already sums it up nicely (with good references). But, in my own words, what I think SPJ and friends are referring to is this:

    Having to go through this "monad" business can be really inconvenient at times. The sheer volume of questions on Stack Overflow asking "how do I just remove this IO thing?" is testament to the fact that sometimes, you really really want to just print out this one value right here — usually for the purposes of figuring out what the actual **** is going on!

    In an eager language, it would be sorely tempting to just start adding magic impure functions that let you do impure stuff directly, like in other languages. No doubt you'd start with small things at first, but slowly you slide down this slippery slope, and before you know it, effects are all over the place.

    In a lazy language like Haskell, this temptation still exists. There are many times when it would be really helpful to be able to just quickly sneak this one little effect in here or there. Except that because of laziness, adding effects turns out to be almost utterly useless. You can't control when anything happens. Even just Debug.trace tends to produce utterly incomprehensible results.

    In short, if you're designing a lazy language, you really are forced to come up with a coherent story for how you're handling effects. You can't just go "meh, we'll pretend this function is just magic"; without the ability to control effects more precisely, you'll instantly end up in a horrible mess!

    TL;DR In an eager language, you can get away with cheating. In a lazy language, you really have to do things properly, or it just plain doesn't work.

    And that is why we hired Alex — wait, wrong window...