I have eye tracking data in the following form:
smp x y time dur
1 1 491 798 62 0
2 2 491 798 62 0
3 3 491 798 62 0
4 4 491 798 62 0
5 5 491 798 62 0
6 6 491 798 62 0
7 7 491 798 62 0
8 8 491 798 62 0
9 9 491 798 62 0
10 10 494 798 781 719
11 11 492 794 828 47
12 12 491 787 953 125
13 13 496 625 984 31
14 14 500 535 1046 62
15 15 544 488 1109 63
16 16 567 465 1171 62
17 17 582 453 1234 63
When the dur (final column) is zero, the subject has their eyes closed but blinks take a certain amount of time to execute and additionally this equipment is old and the sampling/logging rate is not very precise.
I am hoping for a dplyr approach that mutates a blinks column true or false if zeros in dur are >= 4 sequence of 0s.
Expected Output
smp x y time dur blink
1 1 491 798 62 0 TRUE
2 2 491 798 62 0 TRUE
3 3 491 798 62 0 TRUE
4 4 491 798 62 0 TRUE
5 5 491 798 62 0 TRUE
6 6 491 798 62 0 TRUE
7 7 491 798 62 0 TRUE
8 8 491 798 62 0 TRUE
9 9 491 798 62 0 TRUE
10 10 494 798 781 719 FALSE
11 11 492 794 828 47 FALSE
12 12 491 787 953 125 FALSE
13 13 496 625 984 31 FALSE
14 14 500 535 1046 62 FALSE
15 15 544 488 1109 63 FALSE
16 16 567 465 1171 62 FALSE
17 17 582 453 1234 63 FALSE
Reproducible Data
structure(list(smp = 1:17, x = c(491L, 491L, 491L, 491L, 491L,
491L, 491L, 491L, 491L, 494L, 492L, 491L, 496L, 500L, 544L, 567L,
582L), y = c(798L, 798L, 798L, 798L, 798L, 798L, 798L, 798L,
798L, 798L, 794L, 787L, 625L, 535L, 488L, 465L, 453L), time = c(62L,
62L, 62L, 62L, 62L, 62L, 62L, 62L, 62L, 781L, 828L, 953L, 984L,
1046L, 1109L, 1171L, 1234L), dur = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 719L, 47L, 125L, 31L, 62L, 63L, 62L, 63L)), .Names = c("smp",
"x", "y", "time", "dur"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1",
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
"14", "15", "16", "17"))
Note: On the one hand I want to document actual blinks, on the other I want to preserve the uncertainty of measurement presented by the instrumentation in this case. Additionally, I would like a long_blinks column to check if the equipment has failed to pick up the end of one blink and the start of another due to low frame rate on the video capture. This could also imply that a testing subject merely closed their eyes for an extended period of time, but either case is implicated. I will post details for this second case.
As to a second case:
the blinks would just be longer so the solution provided satisfies if you happen to have "integer" data.
My mistake for not supplying a reproducible data.frame.
Reproducible Data with numeric
structure(list(smp = 1:17, x = c(491, 491, 491, 491, 491,
491, 491, 491, 491, 494, 492, 491, 496, 500, 544, 567,
582), y = c(798, 798, 798, 798, 798, 798, 798, 798,
798, 798, 794, 787, 625, 535, 488, 465, 453), time = c(62,
62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 781, 828, 953, 984,
1046, 1109, 1171, 1234), dur = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 719, 47, 125, 31, 62, 63, 62, 63)), .Names = c("smp",
"x", "y", "time", "dur"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1",
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
"14", "15", "16", "17"))
So the mutate comparison blink = dur == 0L is just the wrong test as there are no integers.
With dplyr
df %>% group_by(time) %>% mutate(blink = dur==0L & n() >= 4)
# smp x y time dur blink
# 1 1 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 2 2 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 3 3 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 4 4 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 5 5 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 6 6 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 7 7 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 8 8 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 9 9 491 798 62 0 TRUE
# 10 10 494 798 781 719 FALSE
# 11 11 492 794 828 47 FALSE
# 12 12 491 787 953 125 FALSE
# 13 13 496 625 984 31 FALSE
# 14 14 500 535 1046 62 FALSE
# 15 15 544 488 1109 63 FALSE
# 16 16 567 465 1171 62 FALSE
# 17 17 582 453 1234 63 FALSE
df <- read.table(text="smp x y time dur
1 1 491 798 62 0
2 2 491 798 62 0
3 3 491 798 62 0
4 4 491 798 62 0
5 5 491 798 62 0
6 6 491 798 62 0
7 7 491 798 62 0
8 8 491 798 62 0
9 9 491 798 62 0
10 10 494 798 781 719
11 11 492 794 828 47
12 12 491 787 953 125
13 13 496 625 984 31
14 14 500 535 1046 62
15 15 544 488 1109 63
16 16 567 465 1171 62
17 17 582 453 1234 63", header=T)