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WinSCP get file creation date

I am using WinSCP for .NET library. I am facing some problems which I cannot resolve since almost day. What I would like to achieve is to get file name creation date. Do you know how can achieve that? I am completely stack.

Tried like this but unfortunately source contains not whole path to ftp folder like


but it takes folder2 as root ftp folder

session.GetFiles(source, destination, removeSource).Check()

If I would have entire path to file I would just simple use:



  • Is this what you are looking for?

    Dim sessionOptions As New WinSCP.SessionOptions With { ... initialize your ftp parameters here ... }
    Using session As WinSCP.Session = New WinSCP.Session
        Dim fileInfos As WinSCP.RemoteDirectoryInfo = session.ListDirectory(ftpFolder)
        For Each ftpFile As WinSCP.RemoteFileInfo In fileInfos.Files
            ' Here you get the file date:
            Dim fileDate As Date = ftpFile.LastWriteTime
    End Using