I'm trying to add a service to the Finder's context menu using this class:
public class Service {
public func handleServices(pboard:NSPasteboard, userData:String, error:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<String>) { // not sure about the correct parameters
if (pboard.types?.contains(NSFilenamesPboardType) != nil) {
let fileArray = pboard.propertyListForType(NSFilenamesPboardType)
init () {
NSApp.servicesProvider = self
The service is announced in info.plist as follows:
<string>Service Handling Demo</string>
Finally I have turned on the service in System Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts. So I see the service and can call it. But all I get when calling it is
Cannot find service provider for selector handleServices:userData:error: or handleServices:: for service handleServices
There are two problems in your code:
Objective-C messages are sent to the service provider, therefore the Swift
method must be "Objective-C compatible". This can be achieved by subclassing
, or by marking the method with the @objc
The service handler method has the signature
- (void)handleServices:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
userData:(NSString *)userData
error:(NSString **)error
which is mapped to Swift as
func handleServices(pboard: NSPasteboard!,
userData: String!,
error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>)
So this would be a correct version (which worked in my test):
public class Service {
@objc public func handleServices(pboard: NSPasteboard!,
userData: String!, error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) {
// ...
init() {
NSApp.servicesProvider = self
Some more remarks:
if (pboard.types?.contains(NSFilenamesPboardType) != nil) { ... }
is "optional chaining" and checks if the contains()
method could be called on pboard.types
in other words it checks only if pboard.types != nil
. What you probably want
is to check if pboard.types != nil
and the contains()
method returns true
This can be achieved with the "nil-coalescing operator" ??
if (pboard.types?.contains(NSFilenamesPboardType) ?? false) { ... }
is documented to return an optional array of NSString
s, so you could unwrap
and convert that to a String
array with
if let fileArray = pboard.propertyListForType(NSFilenamesPboardType) as? [String] { ... }
Finally, assigning an error string (to the pointer provided by the caller) would be done with
if (error != nil) {
error.memory = "My error description"