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'Ember generate resource' command end up adding this.route() to router.js

I am going through a tutorial on ember-cli and faced some strange behavior:
To generate a new resource named 'friends' I am running an ember-cli command:

$ ember generate resource friends

And the generator creates all the required files, plus in the app/router.js it adds the following:

... {

and I expect it to create (and this is mentioned in the tutorial):

  this.resource('friends', function(){ });

instead of


So i can not understand, what am I doing wrong? Or maybe something changed in ember-cli routes/resources generator since this tutorial were released and this behavior is now normal?

Thanks in advance,


  • Prior to ember 1.7 resources were used due to their ability to reset the namespace and nest routes, routes could not be nested at the time.

    Since ember 1.7+ routes can be nested and you can reset the namespace by setting this.route('my-route', { path: '/mypath', resetNamespace: true } function() {});

    The blueprint you are using was last modified on april 24 to reflect the deprecation and use routes instead of resources.

    For more information give the following article a read.