I've configured Winston logger package in Meteor and I want to insert logs into MongoDB Collection so it can be visible on my yogibean:admin page after deployment to digitalocean.
As a part of configuring logging module I'm doing that:
logger.add(Winston.transports.MongoDB, {
db: 'myDataBaseName',
collection: 'logs',
host: '???', // or dbUri
username: '???',
password: '???',
name: 'mongo.mainLogs',
My main question is:
What should I use as a host or dbUri to be able to deploy this? Is there any environment variable with host or dbUri to MongoDB?
As @BraveKenny suggested propper configuration is:
logger.add(Winston.transports.MongoDB, {
db: process.env.MONGO_URL,
collection: 'logs',
name: 'mongo.mainLogs',
I don't need to use username and password until I will configure database with some.