value is completely ignored while running ASP.NET MVC4 web page.
Here is the source for above image.
Even though I am checking if the ViewBag.SearchResultsJson
is null or empty, ViewBag still isn't written in the output.
HtmlString jsonText = new HtmlString("");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ViewBag.SearchResultsJson))
jsonText = Html.Raw(ViewBag.SearchResultsJson);
$(document).ready(function() {
var json = @jsonText;
app.value('searchResultsJson', json);
What am I missing here?
According your code, an empty jsonText
is a valid scenario so I won't focus on why this variable is empty.
The reason for your error is you're not wrapping @jsonText
with quotes to render a valid string on Javascript side.
You should change
var json = @jsonText;
var json = '@jsonText';