I've developed a cordova application which has been released on ~100 tablets. Now we want to use the power of crosswalk. Everything works except we lose localstorage information on update.
I've tried my best googling the answer but can't find any information how to migrate the information from internal webview to crosswalk webview.
So the question is: How do i keep localstorage when updating to crosswalk? (Or how do i access the localstorage of previous version?)
Cordova version of the released app: 3.6.3
On update: Cordova: 5.1.1 Crosswalk: cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview 1.2.0 (https://github.com/crosswalk-project/cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview)
Kind regards,
We solved it by using cordova-plugin-local-storage-retrieval with some changes. You can find our fork here: https://github.com/munisense/cordova-plugin-local-storage-retrieval