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My Xcode installation is taking up loads of space; how to reduce space used by simulators?

So my computer is the base model MacBook Pro so hard drive space is a premium.

I've been looking through folders to find what's taking up all the space and my UserName/Library/Developer folder was 30GB. This folder contains Xcode & CoreSimulator.

I've gone and deleted most of my archived projects and that's reduced the size down to 20GB in total with 18GB in the Xcode folder, but this still seems large.

I haven't got any of the simulators installed, except for the current 8.4 simulator, yet I seem to have a folder for each simulator in the iOS DeviceSupport subfolder of Xcode.

Can someone tell me if their Xcode folder is a similar size and if I should expect all of the simulators to be included in this folder, even if they aren't visibly available in Xcode? Is it safe for me to delete all of these unused simulators?


  • Yes, it is safe to remove all the simulators.

    Your best option is probably just to install again Xcode, this way you could just sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer and rm -rf ~/Library/Developer then install again everything (a simple download that is.)