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How to resolve String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. - Client Object Model Sharepoint on Premise

I have written a script that imports data into a from a specified CSV file to a list in a specified SharePoint 2013 site (on premise). However, when I come to run the script, I get these two errors: enter image description here

I understand why I am getting these errors. It is because the column in the CSV file which holds Date fields contains blanks. I would put these blanks to a date however, there is another column in SharePoint where if it's value is "1" that column MUST NOT contain a date.

What can I add to my script to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance, Sam D Harris


  • @Sam I am sharing the code for adding date data from CSV to sharepoint list using powershell.

    In your foreach loop which reads every line of imported CSV.

        [DateTime]$loggedOnDate = New-Object System.DateTime;
        $newItem = $list.items.add();
        if([DateTime]::TryParse($item."Logged On", [ref]$loggedOnDate)){            
           $newitem["LoggedOn"] = $loggedOnDate;            

    Where :- $item."Logged On" - "Logged On" is column name in CSV file. and $newitem["LoggedOn"] is column name in splist.

    Now lets start anwering your query with assumption that CSV has two columns

    • 'Active' - values [0 or 1]
    • Logged On - Date column

    Powershell code to add csv data in sharepoint would be.

    $newItem = $list.items.add();
     IF(($item.Active -ne 1)
           [DateTime]$loggedOnDate = New-Object System.DateTime;
        if([DateTime]::TryParse($item."Logged On", [ref]$loggedOnDate)){            
                   $newitem["LoggedOn"] = $loggedOnDate;            

    Make sure default value for Date column in sharepoint list should be blank.