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How to make Linq2Sql work with my models

I work on a project where we was using SqlConnection, SqlCommand and plain SQL to access repository. Now, I am trying to migrate to Linq2Sql and I want to use the same models. How can I achieve this?

I will reduce the project structure to the minimal meaningful example.
Let's say I have the following classes:

namespace Model
    public class User
        public int Id { get; set; }

All models in Model namespace are one-in-one copy of database entities.

namespace Repository
    public class UserRepository
        private _sqlConnectionHelper = new SqlConnectionHelper();

        public User GetUser()
            var reader = _sqlConnectionHelper
                .ExecuteAndReturnReader("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Users]");

            while (reader.Read())
                return new User
                    Id = (int)reader["Id"]

            return null;

Now I am trying to migrate to Linq2Sql. I have created a MyContext.dmbl file with User table in Repository project. It has generated the following class:

namespace Repository
    public partial class User: INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
         private int _ID;

         public int ID
                return this._ID;
                if ((this._ID != value))
                    this._ID = value;

        // Some other methods

Now, the problem is that I have a lot of of entities, repositories, models etc. I don't want to change the whole project to use new generated models but not mine from Model namespace. How can I make Linq2Sql work with my models?

It also affects my architecture because in case of these models, the entity and the repository is the same object. I don't need my entities to be CRUD objects. I just want to make minimal changes to project and only use convenient LINQ requests instead of plain SQL like this:

namespace Repository
    public class UserRepository
        private MyContextDataContext _myContext = new MyContextDataContext();

        public User GetUser()
            return _myContext.Users.FirstOrDefault();

Or I just don't understand something about purpose and logic of Linq2Sql and it is how it only works like?

Of course, I can write converters or use reflection and make a copy of object property-by-property but it doesn't sound like a good solution.


  • Ok. Finally, I have found an answer which is pretty simple - Linq2Sql is not a library I was looking for.

    There are different approaches for object-relational mapping: code-first, database-first, model-first.

    Here is the good StackOverflow article about their differences.

    Now, when I learned it, what I have described in my question could be easily rephrased as "how can I make Linq2Sql be code-first". The answer is simple - I cannot do this.

    As a result of some investigations, I have understood that I was looking for Entity Framework which perfectly fit in my project.
    Now, my repository looks like this:

    namespace Repository
        public MyContextDataContext : DbContext 
            public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
        public class UserRepository
            private MyContextDataContext _myContext = new  MyContextDataContext();
            public User GetUser()
                return _myContext.Users.FirstOrDefault();