I have a database filled with product names, all of wich follow a strict and identical naming pattern like this European 222/555/111 obtained
I want to run a 'for each row in table' little php script and extract the 3 substrings in part 222/555/111
and add the three in separate columns but I'm failing to do the extraction.Should I use preg_split or preg_match?
My strings all start with the word 'European' then a space and after that the three options I need separated with /, these could also be only 2 characters like
European 96/43/55c strings strings
Should have
$option1 = 222
$option2 = 555
$option3 = 111
I'd use preg_match
$string = 'European 222/555/111 obtained';
if (preg_match('~European ([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/\s]+)~', $string, $matches)) {
[0] => European 222/555/111
[1] => 222
[2] => 555
[3] => 111
~ : regex delimiter
European\s+ : literally "European" followed by one or more space
([^/]+) : match everything that is not a slash and store in group 1
/ : a slash
([^/]+) : match everything that is not a slash and store in group 2
/ : a slash
([^/\s]+) : match everything that is not a slash or a space and store in group 3
~ : regex delimiter