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Select multiple items based on multiple IDs with hibernate

I am using hibernate in eclipse.

And i have 3 ONE TO MANY relation tables.

ONE [Company] --> MANY [Officer], And ONE [Officer] --> MANY [Task].

They all have unique id (companyId, officerId, taskId).

Currently i know how to find all the tasks belong to an officer and i also know how to find all the officers belong to a company.

here is the code snippet:

public static ArrayList<Officer> getOfficersByCompany(Company company){
    ArrayList<Officer> officers = new ArrayList<Officer>();
    DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Officer.class);

    detachedCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq(Key.COMPANY, company));
    detachedCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq(Key.OBJSTATUS, Value.ACTIVED));

    List<Object> list = HibernateUtil.detachedCriteriaReturnList(detachedCriteria);

    for(Object o : list){
        officers.add((Officer) o);
    return officers;

And below is the detachedCriteriaReturnList method in HibernateUtil class.

public static List<Object> detachedCriteriaReturnList(DetachedCriteria dc){
    Session session = getSessionFactory().openSession();
    Criteria criteria = dc.getExecutableCriteria(session);
    List<Object> list = criteria.list();
    return list;

However, if i try to get all the task belongs to a company, how should i implement the code. I have tried using: detachedCriteria.add(Restrictions.allEq(officers));

public static ArrayList<Task> getTasksByOfficers(Map<String, Object> officers){
    ArrayList<Task> tasks = new ArrayList<Task>();

    DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Task.class);

    List<Object> list = HibernateUtil.detachedCriteriaReturnList(detachedCriteria);

    for(Object o : list){
        tasks.add((Task) o);

    return tasks;

But i realise that the map only stores unique key and value pair, if i try to use the second officer's id the first one will be replaced.

Or is there any other ways to perform the selection faster and more efficient?


  • ONE [Company] --> MANY [Officer], And ONE [Officer] --> MANY [Task].

    In HQL this should be pretty straight forward (I gave up using Criteria API, as it did not allow joining the same object class twice):

    Obviously, I did not test the queries, but they should work...

    select Task 
      from Task join Task.Officer o join o.Company c
     where = 'xxx'


    select t
      from Company c join c.Officers o join o.Tasks t
     where = 'xxx'

    Note: My experience with criteria is limited, as I have said. But looking at your code, I have two comments. Maybe you should not use the Map of officers but the list officers.values() to allEq(). Second remark: If you didn't do a mistake, Hibernate obviously magically finds the reference to the property you want to be allEq with, otherwise, the allEq misses a property you want to compare to.

    UPDATE: Ok, as promised, I checked the Javadocs for you:

    A join in HQL is the equivalent of a criteria added to another criteria or an alias:

    detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Task.class)
                       .createCriteria("Officer") // Officer property of task
                       .createCriteria("Company") // Company property of officer
                       .add(Restriction.eq(Key.COMPANY, compKey); // the company
    List<Object> list = detachedCriteria

    This should get you going...

    Note on HQL:

    To run the query, you get a query from the hibernate session with the HQL and then you call list() or executeUpdate()on it. taskHqlString is a HQL-statement as above. Replace the companyKey in the query with a named parameter :companyKey:

    String taskHqlString = "select Task "  
                         + "  from Task join Task.Officer o "
                         + "            join o.Company c "
                         + " where = :companyKey";
    List<Task> list = (List<Task>)hibernateSession
                      .setParameter("companyKey", companyKeyValue)