I've been having an issue where I've been trying to recode many variables at once. What seemed the easiest way to do things was to use assign
and place the variable in .GlobalEnv
. I now see that it's not even working outside of the function.
Does anyone have any idea why,
assign('dataframe$col1', 3 - dataframe$col1, env = .GlobalEnv)
seems to have no effect on dataframe$col1
Using assign
, this can be done in a complicated way
assign('dataframe', `[[<-`(dataframe, 'col',
value = 3- dataframe$col), envir=.GlobalEnv)
#[1] 2 1 0 -1 -2
Less complicated and safer would be
dataframe$col <- 3-dataframe$col
Or if you are using data.table
setDT(dataframe)[, col:= 3- col]
and the dplyr/magrittr
option is
dataframe %<>%
mutate(col = 3 - col)
dataframe <- data.frame(col= 1:5)