So what I am trying to do is read a file and map it to a two dimensional QVector. Here is my code so far
void dataModel::parseFileByLines()
QVector<QVector<QString> > dataSet;
lastError = "";
QRegExp reg(fileDelimiter);
QFile inFile(inputFile);
if ({
QTextStream fread(&inFile);
long totalSize = inFile.size();
QString line;
line = fread.readLine();
lastError = "Could not open "+inputFile+" for reading";
My issue is that when dealing with 1000,000 lines or more the program crashes with a message saying "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way". Is there a more efficient way I can achieve my goal ? If so how ?
The input file may be in a format like so
I would really appreciate any help or advice
I have tested this (QList) version here on my computer and it runs much faster then the QVector version and I also believe it will not crash.
void parseFileByLines(QString inputFile)
QList<QList<QString> > dataSet;
QString lastError = "";
QFile inFile(inputFile);
if ({
QTextStream fread(&inFile);
long totalSize = inFile.size();
QString line;
line = fread.readLine();
QList<QString> record = line.split('\t',QString::KeepEmptyParts);
lastError = "Could not open "+inputFile+" for reading";