In Backbone, if you want to talk between models you usually do it throug events. For example, if sayHi()
should be done in a Friend
model rather than in a Stranger
model, you'd do the following.
inside Stranger
inside Friend
this.listenTo("callSayHi", function() {
I wanted to do the same in Meteor and I thought using a Session
var fitted.
inside Stranger
Session.set("callSayHi", true);
inside Friend
if (Session.get("callSayHi") {
// Session.set("callSayHi", false); <-- PROBLEM
Let's leave out the problem of scoping (using a ReactiveVar
is better, etc.) here. The problem is, to handle this situation more appropriately, I would have to set the session var at the end to false
again but that would invoke sayHi()
event infinitely. I feel like this kind of situation is very common. What's the Meteor way of handling it?
Might be related:
You can use a tracker, either inside or outside a template. It will rerun as soon as one of its reactive dependency change.
Example outside of a template:
Tracker.autorun(function() {
//will be run only once when Session.get('callSayHi') is true
if(Session.get('callSayHi') {//dependency on Session var
Session.set("callSayHi", false);
Example inside a template:
this.autorun(function() {
//will be run only once when Session.get('callSayHi') is true
if(Session.get('callSayHi') {//dependency on Session var
Session.set("callSayHi", false);