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Failure in passing an authors option to svn2git

I'm in the process of migrating from svn to git (on a local repo) where I'm trying to convert all our svn authors to git format by creating a text file under ~/.svn2git/authors.txt, for example:

jcoglan = James Coglan <>
stnick = Santa Claus <>

Then pass an authors option to svn2git pointing to that file:

$ svn2git --trunk trunk --authors ~/.svn2git/authors.txt

I'm getting below error:

Initialized empty Git repository in /home/developer/mygitrepo/.git/
Author: system not defined in /home/developer/mygitrepo/.svn2git/authors.txt file
command failed:
git svn fetch

What does this mean?


  • It means that it's found an SVN commit that uses an id system and you haven't provided a mapping for that in your authors file. As a result, it doesn't know how to translate SVN's user system into a Git name/e-mail address, and so it can't create the commit for you.

    You can fix this by adding another line in your authors file:

    system = System <>

    (or whatever you want to use)