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Naming a column as a parameter passed in to a stored procedure

I have a stored procedure that takes in a parameter @n and @colname and uses @n to compute some information. Right now @colname does nothing because T-SQL does not allow you to make a column name from a parameter. There are examples of people saying you can do this through a dynamic stored procedure, but as far as I can tell, they do not do what I want.

The reason behind this is because I want to create another stored procedure that uses this other stored procedure several times and passes different values of @n and @colname.

So just to clarify again, I would like to be able to write a dynamic stored procedure that does this:

SELECT a, b, c AS @colname
WHERE b = @n

Then once I can do that, I will write my other stored procedure like this:

EXEC stored_procedure1 @n = 3, @colname = 'Column 1'
EXEC stored_procedure1 @n = 6, @colname = 'Column 2'

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


  • You need to make it a dynamic query like below

    EXEC ('SELECT a, b, c AS ['+ @colname +
    '] FROM t1 WHERE b = ' + @n)

    Hope rest you can figure out.