I have an array:
<cfset fullarray = listtoArray (listofcollumnvalues)>
And it had for example:
And I wanted to add the sum of the the X position below number: for example if I wanted the sum of the second element and below
2 + 3 + 4= 27.2
ColdFusion 10 introduced the ArraySlice
function. It returns an array when you give it an array, a starting location, and an optional length. So ArraySlice(myArray,3,4)
would return a "sub-array" with the elements that start at position 3 and includes 4 elements.
Based on your example:
mySum = ArraySum(ArraySlice(fullarray,2))
If you're on CF 9 or below, you can use a UDF. At CFLib.org there is
Warning! arraySlice
uses "start" and "end" element arguments, while arraySlice2
uses "start" and "length" arguments, like the built-in CF10 function.