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Automatically format a long outerXml string

I have multiple large XML files and am trying to extract 5 instances of a specific element and its children. I have the code all set, however, I HAVE to use StreamWriter to write out the xml. How can I do this so that it comes out properly indented, etc.

The string looks similar to this:

<SampleMAIN><Sample type="1"><Sample_Batch>123

I want it to look like this:

    <Sample type="1">


  • So for anyone who may come across this and was interested in how I resolved it, here is what I used...

        Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo("D:\data")
        Dim sw As New StreamWriter("C:\Documents\largeFile.xml")
        Dim xd As New XmlDocument
        Dim iCount As Integer
        sw.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO-8859-1""?>" & vbCrLf & "<Root>")
        For Each fi As FileInfo In dir.GetFiles()
            iCount = 0
            For Each xn As XmlNode In xd.SelectNodes("//Root")          
                For Each xe As XmlElement In xn.ChildNodes
                    iCount += 1
                    If iCount = 5 Then Exit For
                Exit For
        sw.Flush() : sw.Close() : sw.Dispose()