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Open datetimepicker with icon only

I'm currently using Trent Richardson's datetimepicker in a project. It's linked to a textbox so that when you click in the textbox, the picker pops up and you can either select a time or manually type something in.

My question: How do I add an icon "inside" the textbox, or just at the edge of the textbox, so that you can click in the textbox without opening the date/time picker, or open the date/time picker with the icon, which will then populate the textbox with your choice? Thus you have your choice of manually entering a time without the picker coming up or just using the picker.

The bootstrap date/time picker has this feature, but I need to use jQuery and not bootstrap for this project.

I found this question, which is similar, but launches the picker from both the icon and textbox.


  • I have updated fiddle for the only icon datepicker show;

    Jquery Code

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $(function() {
                showOn: 'both',
                buttonImage: '',
                buttonImageOnly: true,
                changeMonth: true,
                changeYear: true
            }) .click(function() {
            $(".ui-datepicker-trigger ").click(function(){$("#ui-datepicker-div").show()});

    HTML code

    <fieldset id="fieldset">
            <dt><label for="from-datetime">From: </label></dt>
            <dd><input type="text" value="" id="from-datetime" name="from-datetime"/></dd>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>