I'm using simple arcpy ListRasters
functions and the script is very slow to execute.
I'm using them with a folder containing about 100 rasters (20 years of historical data for 5 different categories). Each raster is ~800Mo so ~80Go in total. I'm using wildcards to list them in 5 different lists:
import arcpy, os, sys
from arcpy import env
from arcpy import *
from arcpy.sa import *
hist_data_path = "D:/Data/GIS/hist_data"
arcpy.env.workspace = hist_data_path
hist_pop_urban = arcpy.ListRasters("*pop_urb*")
hist_pop_rural = arcpy.ListRasters("*pop_rur*")
hist_ppc_urban = arcpy.ListRasters("*ppc_urb*")
hist_ppc_rural = arcpy.ListRasters("*ppc_rur*")
hist_ww_int = arcpy.ListRasters("*ww_int*")
It takes about 10 minutes to list each bloc of 20 rasters... so ~50 min to list all the rasters... How is that possible? Do I miss something in the code? Is it because of the size of the rasters? Is there some "hidden" option or "trick" I could check? I'm using Win 7 64 on an i7 computer with 16Go RAM.
Thanks for any idea that could reduce this processing time..!
In my experience arcpy is generally slow, so I try to avoid it whenever possible. Of course, there may be some way to optimize the arcpy.ListRasters function, and I would love to hear about it if anyone knows about it.
Here is an out-of-the-box Python alternative to arcpy.ListRasters:
import os
directory = r"D:\Data\GIS\hist_data"
extension_list = [".tif", ".tiff"]
hist_pop_urban = []
hist_pop_rural = []
for file in os.listdir(directory):
for extension in extension_list:
if file.endswith(extension):
if "pop_urb" in file:
elif "pop_rur" in file:
You could build extension_list based on the contents of this webpage and your knowledge of the particular file types you are dealing with:
Depending on the format of your rasters, each raster may comprise more than one file. If so, you would have to incorporate that into the code as well.
Good luck!