I'm trying to pull data from a column in a table I have called Vendors and the column name is VendorContactLName. I also have a column VendorContactFName. I'm trying to make it so as I pull the data, it conditionally changes the output of the string.
For example, I want to add an apostrophe s <'s> to the end of the name which I can do with:
SELECT VendorContactFName + ' ' + VendorContactLName + '''s' AS 'Vendor Full Name' FROM Vendors;
However, I'd like to make it so that if it happens to be that the last name in VendorContactLName already ends with an "s" that I only concatenate an apostrophe to it, not apostrophe and an 's'.
So, I'd like: Karl Allen, Michael Dunlap, and Michelle Higgins to come out as Karl Allen's, Michael Dunlap's, and Michelle Higgins'.
Thanks for the help.
Check this:
SELECT VendorContactFName + ' ' +
(case right(VendorContactLName,1)
when 's' then VendorContactLName + ''''
else VendorContactLName + '''s'
end) as 'Vendor Full Name'
FROM Vendors