Search code examples

get metadata of all files and folders in Google Drive

I am implementing Google Drive in one of my Android application. I am able to authenticate.

Here in this method I want to list down metadata of all the files and folders.

Drive.DriveApi.fetchDriveId(DemoUtil.getGoogleApiClient(), <drive_id>)

But this is not working. It requires drive id, from where I'll get this drive id? Can I get the metadata listing of all files and folder of Google Drive?

  • I am using API of play services.


  • First, be aware of the fact, that using GDAA ('API of play services') will give you only the files, folders created by your Android App, since it supports only the 'SCOPE_FILE' scope. If this is OK, you may use a construct like this:

    ArrayList<ContentValues> contvals = search(null, null, null);
    private static GoogleApiClient mGAC;
     * find file/folder in GOODrive
     * @param prnId   parent ID (optional), null searches full drive, "root" searches Drive root
     * @param titl    file/folder name (optional)
     * @param mime    file/folder mime type (optional)
     * @return        arraylist of found objects
    static ArrayList<ContentValues> search(String prnId, String titl, String mime) {
      ArrayList<ContentValues> gfs = new ArrayList<>();
      if (mGAC != null && mGAC.isConnected()) try {
        // add query conditions, build query
        ArrayList<Filter> fltrs = new ArrayList<>();
        if (prnId != null){
          prnId.equalsIgnoreCase("root") ?
            Drive.DriveApi.getRootFolder(mGAC).getDriveId() : DriveId.decodeFromString(prnId)));
        if (titl != null) fltrs.add(Filters.eq(SearchableField.TITLE, titl));
        if (mime != null) fltrs.add(Filters.eq(SearchableField.MIME_TYPE, mime));
        Query qry = new Query.Builder().addFilter(Filters.and(fltrs)).build();
        // fire the query
        MetadataBufferResult rslt = Drive.DriveApi.query(mGAC, qry).await();
        if (rslt.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
          MetadataBuffer mdb = null;
          try {
            mdb = rslt.getMetadataBuffer();
            for (Metadata md : mdb) {
              if (md == null || !md.isDataValid() || md.isTrashed()) continue;
              gfs.add(UT.newCVs(md.getTitle(), md.getDriveId().encodeToString()));
          } finally { if (mdb != null) mdb.close(); }
      } catch (Exception e) { }
      return gfs;

    just modify your ContentValues contvals, to hold the metadata you desire. Snippet is taken from this demo, where you can find unresolved context..

    If you need all files/folders regardless of the app that created them, you have to go for the REST API with 'DriveScopes.DRIVE' scope, and the same code snippet would look like this:

    ArrayList<ContentValues> contvals = search(null, null, null);
    private static Drive mGOOSvc;
     * find file/folder in GOODrive
     * @param prnId   parent ID (optional), null searches full drive, "root" searches Drive root
     * @param titl    file/folder name (optional)
     * @param mime    file/folder mime type (optional)
     * @return        arraylist of found objects
    static ArrayList<ContentValues> search(String prnId, String titl, String mime) {
      ArrayList<ContentValues> gfs = new ArrayList<>();
      if (mGOOSvc != null && mConnected) try {
        // add query conditions, build query
        String qryClause = "'me' in owners and ";
        if (prnId != null) qryClause += "'" + prnId + "' in parents and ";
        if (titl != null) qryClause += "title = '" + titl + "' and ";
        if (mime != null) qryClause += "mimeType = '" + mime + "' and ";
        qryClause = qryClause.substring(0, qryClause.length() - " and ".length());
        Drive.Files.List qry = mGOOSvc.files().list().setQ(qryClause)
        String npTok = null;
        if (qry != null) do {
          FileList gLst = qry.execute();
          if (gLst != null) {
            for (File gFl : gLst.getItems()) {
              if (gFl.getLabels().getTrashed()) continue;
              gfs.add( UT.newCVs(gFl.getTitle(),gFl.getId()));
            }                                              //else UT.lg("failed " + gFl.getTitle());
            npTok = gLst.getNextPageToken();
        } while (npTok != null && npTok.length() > 0);            //UT.lg("found " + vlss.size());
      } catch (Exception e) { UT.le(e); }
      return gfs;

    taken from here.

    Good Luck.