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Why won't this Regex work in REFind()?

I want to search a string to make sure it doesn't contain any numbers or non-alphabetic characters. From my previous question here a Regex solution was proposed which seems to work using online testing tools. But I can't get it to work in this format:

<cfif REFindNoCase(".*?\\P{IsAlphabetic}.*", FORM.Forename)>
<p>Error, your name contains illegal characters</p>

It just allows illegal strings through without picking up on the illegal characters. So myname1977 seems to be let through without showing the error message. What am I doing wrong?


  • The Reg Exp engine ColdFusion uses doesn't have all the power of Java. Something like this should do it for you:

    input = "विकिपीडि";
    writeDump(isValidUsername(input));// YES
    input = "विकिपीडि7";
    writeDump(isValidUsername(input));// NO
    input = "hello";
    writeDump(isValidUsername(input));// YES
    input = "hel lo";
    writeDump(isValidUsername(input));// NO
    input = "hello7";
    writeDump(isValidUsername(input));// NO
    function isValidUsername(input) {
        var pattern = ".*?\P{IsAlphabetic}.*";
        var Matcher = createObject( "java", "java.util.regex.Pattern" )
            .compile( javaCast( "string", pattern ) )
            .matcher( javaCast( "string", input ) );
        return !Matcher.matches();


    I posted this in the comments but may be useful so adding it to the answer incase it's of interest:

    If you're doing simple matching then strings in Java have built in support for Reg Exp so you should be able to just do this: mystring.matches(".*?\P{IsAlphabetic}.*"); The createObject version is more 'reliable' as CF may change something in the future which breaks it.