Can you help for this question please,
How to define two dimensional arrays with flexible dimensions depending on macro variables in SAS?
%LET Dim = &a.*&b.;
ARRAY Spline{&a.,&b.} B1-B&Dim.;
I tried with the above code but it gave these errors:
Thanks for the help!
During a macro variable assingment you can not have a mathematical expression.
So if a = 4 and b = 5
%LET Dim = &a.*&b.;
resolves to DIM = "4*5" as string, but you want 20 instead.
to do this, you have to do the mathematical operation in a datastep:
data _null_;
temp= &a * &b;
call symputx('DIM', temp);
ARRAY Spline{&a.,&b.} B1-B&DIM;
Also i wonder about your screenshot, it seems that B = 5-1 (as string), so i guess you already did a matehematical operation when assinging b, which failed... %let b = 5-1; resolves to a string "5-1", not to 4...
so in your example everything resolves to:
ARRAY Spline{4,5-1} B1-B4*5-1;
i guess you wanted
ARRAY Spline{4,4} B1-B16;
so seperate all mathematical operations in a datastep...