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how to detect motion of iPhone 6 device? (determine whether iPhone device moved or not -smallest possible motion on x,y,z- )

I'm working on a task to determine when the iPhone 6 is moving (smallest possible move not even a shake!) at any direction (x,y or Z) . what is the best way to achieve that?


  • I used this code and found it useful, it contains four functions : - Start motion manager - Stop motion manager - Update motion manager - magnitudeFromAttitude

    import CoreMotion
    let motionManager: CMMotionManager = CMMotionManager()
    var initialAttitude : CMAttitude!
    //start motion manager
    func StartMotionManager () {
        if !motionManager.deviceMotionActive {
            motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 1
    //stop motion manager
    func stopMotionManager ()
        if motionManager.deviceMotionActive
    //update motion manager
    func updateMotionManager (var x : UIViewController) 
        if motionManager.deviceMotionAvailable {
            initialAttitude  = motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude
            motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue(NSOperationQueue.currentQueue(), withHandler:{
                [weak x] (data: CMDeviceMotion!, error: NSError!) in
                // calculate magnitude of the change from our initial attitude
                let magnitude = magnitudeFromAttitude(data.attitude) ?? 0
                let initMagnitude = magnitudeFromAttitude(initialAttitude) ?? 0
                if magnitude > 0.1 // threshold
                    // Device has moved ! 
                   // put the code which should fire upon device moving write here
                    initialAttitude  = motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude
            println(motionManager.deviceMotionActive) // print false
    // get magnitude of vector via Pythagorean theorem
    func magnitudeFromAttitude(attitude: CMAttitude) -> Double {
        return sqrt(pow(attitude.roll, 2) + pow(attitude.yaw, 2) + pow(attitude.pitch, 2))