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Joomla 2.5 joining 3 tables

I am trying to join 3 tables and store the result. The problem is I simply cannot seem to deal with it. Hours of Googling and searching led to nothing.

Here is the query:

 $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $item_kit = array();

    $q = "SELECT p.virtuemart_product_id,
       FROM #_virtuemart_products p
           INNER JOIN #_virtuemart_product_prices pr ON p.virtuemart_product_id = pr.virtuemart_product_id,
           INNER JOIN #_pb_group_vm_prod_xref pb ON pb.vm_product_id = pr.virtuemart_product_id";

    $item_kit = $db->loadObjectList();
    return $item_kit;

Please notice that I am using the ID as the common element in all tables. After all this nonsense occurs it should so something like:

      echo 'It works';

Debugging resulted in discovering an SQL error near 'INNER JOIN #_virtuemart_product_prices pr ON p.virtuemart_product_id = pr.virtu...'

Can you please help me? Or, at least, point out where am I doing stupidly wrong... I know it's something small and easy, but I can't see it...


  • Found the problem! pr.virtuemard_product_id to pr.virtuemart_product_id and I had to manually type in the database table prefix. What silly of me. Thank you all for your time reading this question. Regards, Vlad