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About apple rejection on "location-based APIs for emergency services"

I have developed an application that tracks user Location (background Mode) with user permission for a government police service.

As Per apple Human Interface guideline:

4.3 Apps that use location-based APIs for emergency services will be rejected
  • So Now What services include location-based APIs for emergency services

  • Can I use Location tracking for government Service

Any help is appreciated..



  • app rejection process 4. Location under with section

    4.3 Apps that use location-based APIs for dispatch, fleet management, or emergency services will be rejected.

    Ans :

    You can’t make apps to watch your employees, or make apps that rely too heavily on location. Nobody wants an accident to happen because the device was not precise enough or didn’t work correctly. Also, you can’t use the iPhone to spy on people.

    need additional reference follow this link