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How to extract documents from a FileNet database

I am working on a project which requires extracting documents from a FileNet system. I need to extract documents identified by their Object_ID and store them in files. The system is working under Windows and is using an Oracle 11G database. The question is: is there a way to retrieve document content using direct database access and SQL? Can I write an SQL query that retrieves the binary content of document by passing its Object_ID as a parameter. Thanks


  • Content does not have to be stored in the database. It can be, as BLOB, but can also be stored in FileStores, as files, or in Fixed Content Areas. If they are stored in the database, technically you should be able to retrieve them with a query by GUID.

    However I would suggest using the Java API to retrieve content. That will let you manage all situations (all kinds of content areas, multi content elements...). I don't know how many documents you intend to export, but it can be significantly optimized using the API (batch, multi threading...).