I create a canvas in js_of_ocaml as below.
(* create document *)
let document = Dom_html.window##document
(* function to create canvas *)
let create_canvas () =
let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas document in
canvas##width <- 500;
canvas##height <- 500;
(* create canvas *)
let canvas = create_canvas ()
let start _ =
let main = get_main () in
Dom.appendChild main canvas;
Js._false in
Dom_html.window##onload <- Dom_html.handler start
I can see only a white screen.
Now, I want to add a horizontal scroll bar to the canvas.
I think I have to make a box with a horizontal scroll bar which is smaller than the white canvas, and the white canvas is in the box.
How can I do that?
You can put the canvas into a div which the width is smaller than the width of the canvas. Check the following code :
module Html = Dom_html
let doc = Html.window##document
let create_div () =
let div = Html.createDiv doc in
div##style##width <- Js.string "500px";
div##style##overflowX <- Js.string "scroll";
let create_canvas () =
let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas document in
canvas##width <- 900;
canvas##height <- 900;
let start _ =
let main = get_main () in
let wrapper = create_div () in
let canvas = create_canvas () in
Dom.appendChild wrapper canvas;
Dom.appendChild main wrapper;
Js._false in
Dom_html.window##onload <- Dom_html.handler start
This code is the translation to js_of_ocaml of the following jsfiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/pre1wacc/