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Slick 3.0 Insert and then get Auto Increment Value

I have written this code which works perfectly

class Items(tag: Tag) extends Table[Item](tag, "ITEMS") {
  def id = column[Long]("ITEMS_ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
  def name = column[String]("ITEMS_NAME")
  def price = column[Double]("ITEMS_PRICE")
  def * = (id, name, price) <> ((Item.apply _).tupled, Item.unapply _)

object Shop extends Shop{
  val items = TableQuery[Items]
  val db = Database.forConfig("h2mem1")

  def create(name: String, price: Double) : Int = {
    val action = items ++= Seq(Item(0, name, price))
    val future1 =
    val future2 = future1 map {result => 
      result map {x => x}
    Await.result(future2, Duration.Inf).getOrElse(0)

This code works but the return value is number of records inserted. But I want to return the value of the AutoInc after the insert has been done.

i did google and found few articles

Slick 3.0.0 AutoIncrement Composite Key

Returning the auto incrementing value after an insert using slick

But somehow these do not answer the question cleanly.


  • Here's the relevant documentation page, according to which, you should construct a query like this:

    val insertQuery = items returning into ((item, id) => item.copy(id = id))
    def create(name: String, price: Double) : Future[Item] = {
      val action = insertQuery += Item(0, name, price)