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Data binding not working if index is greater than 255

I am working on a application using grails version 2.3.9. There I am rendering a list with check-box. User can select any row(s) and submit the page. And at server side I am using command object to bind the data.

My command object--

class MyCO {

    List<MyDoamin> myDomains = ListUtils.lazyList([], FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(MyDoamin))

    static constraints = {
        myDomains nullable: false, validator: { val, obj ->
            if (val.size() < 1) {
                return "error.code"


<g:each in="${myDomains}" var="myDomain" status="idx">
      <input type="checkbox" name="myDomains[${idx}].id" value="${}" checked>


def myAction(MyCO myCO) {
    if (myCO.validate()) {
    } else {
        log.error "-----INVALID-----"

This code is working fine. But if user select row(s) whose index (idx) value is greater than 255 then data binding is not working.

Request params--

[myDomains[256].id:66, myDomains[256]:[id:66], action:myAction, controller:myController]

I also tried with

List<MyDoamin> myDomains


List<MyDoamin> myDomains = [].withDefault { new Client() }

in the command object, but same result, no data binding.

Am I doing something wrong here? How can I fix this?


  • By default collection auto-growth limit is set to 255:

    You can change this by setting the grails.databinding.autoGrowCollectionLimit in Config.groovy to something else.

    The reason for this limit is an attacker could craft a Denial of Service attack that exhausted all memory by creating thousands of objects during data binding, which is not what you want.