My question is after doing a git fetch
how can I see what is what git actually fetched from origin?
I have my guesses by using diff but I don't know exactly how I can do it.
Due to the fact that after a git fetch
the fetched references are in origin/master
(just an example, if you have more branches then they are updated as well as origin/<name>
and you can apply the following commands as well) you have several options here:
1. Display file names only that have been changed
git diff --name-only origin/master
2. Display file status only
git diff --name-status origin/master
3. Really show what changed
git diff origin/master
Or you use git show
for this task:
git show --oneline --name-only master..origin/master
And for completeness you can use the following command to count commits that where fetched.
git rev-list --count HEAD..origin/master