Test Driven Development (TDD) and its benefits are well defined. The same can be said for practices like Behavior Driven Development (BDD). Each represents a software development technique that advocates greater discipline before you start coding.
What, then, is the convenient acronym for the "unstructured" approach to development?
I've seen "TAD" (Test After Development) used on occasion, but that still implies testing is being done. Has anyone seen (or does anyone want to invent) an acronym for the "code it as you go" approach to development? I'm looking for the TDD/BDD/xDD equivalent for the type of development we've all done where we simply write code and release.
(Clearly, there is plenty of room for "comedy" here, so let's refrain from "n00b Driven Development" and the ilk.)
Lots of very good responses. Ultimately, I think the ideas of "Development Driven Development" or "Idea Driven Development" best answer the question. Where in TDD you're trying to pass tests and in BDD you're trying to satisfy behavior, in "unstructured" development, you're really only driven by trying convert an idea in to code.
Clearly, no right or wrong answer, but a good collection of opinions here. Hopefully this resource will be useful for others trying to clearly capture the "definition" of development in absence of process.
I'd tend to agree with Pavel but would go further and call it:
Development Driven Development
Development driven without any clear motivation is development for the sake of development. In TDD, you develop to satisfy tests. In BDD, you develop to establish some behaviour. In Development-driven development, you develop because you're a developer and that's what you're paid to do.