I'm reading this article and I don't understand how this query works:
SELECT parent.name
FROM nested_category AS node,
nested_category AS parent
WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
AND node.name = 'FLASH'
ORDER BY node.lft;
I'm trying to understand how it works because I need to modify it slightly for my program.
I have a data stored in a hierarchical database using the nested set model.
It can be visualized like this:
/ \
blue red
| |
same same
When given an array like this
['link', 'saria', ,'roy', 'olimar', 'blue', 'same']
I want to return the name/attributes of only the elements along this path.
When I use the above query modified slightly to this:
SELECT DISTINCT parent.file_id, parent.owner, parent.name
FROM file_category AS node, file_category AS parent
WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
AND node.name = 'same' order by parent.lft
I will get a table like this:
| file_id | name | owner |
| 1 | link | dez |
| 2 | saria| madi |
| 3 | roy | wrm |
| 4 | oli | mart |
| 5 | blue | bob |
| 6 | same | jim |
| 7 | red | tom |
| 8 | same | kim |
but I want a table like this:
| file_id | name | owner |
| 1 | link | dez |
| 2 | saria| madi |
| 3 | roy | wrm |
| 4 | oli | mart |
| 5 | blue | bob |
| 6 | same | jim |
I need to a way to go along the path given in the array so I can get to the correct 'same' node.
Your variation does not work because "same"
is not unique, as assumed by the original query.
Try with
WHERE (...) node.id = 6 -- or 8
instead of
WHERE (...) node.name = 'same'