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Dynamic SQL To Create View

I have a table that houses a list of store names that are performing under par. Each store name has it's own database on the server (we are working at merging all the databases, but at the current time all separate). Would it be possible to iterate the table (called failingstores) and create a view that holds the data for all failing stores? This is the table structure: (garbage data of course)

create table failingstores
  storename varchar(100)
  ,weeklysales int
  ,monthlysales int
  ,storemanager varchar(100)

Insert Into failingstores Values 
('one', 80, 800, 'managerone'), 
('two', 90, 900, 'managertwo'), 
('three', 40, 400, 'managerthree'), 
('four', 10, 100, 'managerfour')

The dynamic sql I would like to happen would be to iterate the values in the storename field and create a view. So this would be my view syntax:

Create view failingstoresfulldata As
Select * from managerone
union all
select * from managertwo
union all
select * from managerthree
union all
select * from managerfour


  • I had to do something similar recently and used dynamic SQL to pull the data from the databases into a local table. Storing into the local table is optional of course, but once it's there you can build whatever other SQL objects on top to query to your hearts content!

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#Databases') is not null
        Drop Table #Databases
    Select Name 
    Into #Databases
    From (Values
        ) as db(Name)
    Declare @DBName varchar(50),@SQL nvarchar(max)=''
    While (select count(*) From #Databases) >1 Begin
        Select Top 1 @DBName=Name From #Databases
        Select @DBName=isnull(@DBName,'')
        Set @SQL=@SQL+'Union All
        FROM '+@DBName+'.tablename'
        Delete From #Databases where Name=@DBName
    Select @SQL=Stuff(@SQL,1,9,'') --- Remove leading "Union All"
    Select @SQL --- Preview of Query
    --- Pull the data into a single table for easy querying or further manipulation ---
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'FullData') AND type in (N'U')) Begin
        Create Table FullData (
            Column1 int
            ,Column2 int
            ,Column3 int
    End Else Begin
        Truncate Table FullData
    Insert Into FullData Exec SP_ExecuteSQL @SQL,N''
    --- Cleanup ---
    Drop Table #Databases