My website is ready to be deployed and I am trying to set it up online.
Some informations:
for now (my current website is still in /www
).The problem:
When I open the URL
, a Symfony exception tells me No route found for "GET /test/"
, which clearly means that Symfony doesn't know it is in a sub-directory.
How can I tell it?
I just realized it worked when I access
Here I wrote exactly about that:
Start by uploading the application folders at the same level of your site root:
-- public_html
---- ...
---- ...
-- symfonyapp
---- app
---- bin
---- src
---- vendor
---- web
------ app.php
------ app_dev.php
------ ...
---- composer.json
---- composer.lock
Move the content of the "web" folder into the desired subfolder, i.e. "myapp".
-- public_html
---- ...
---- ...
---- myapp
------ app.php
------ app_dev.php
------ ...
-- symfonyapp
---- app
---- bin
---- src
---- vendor
---- composer.json
---- composer.lock
Edit files app.php and app_dev.php and insert the new application location.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../symfonyapp/app/bootstrap.php.cache';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../symfonyapp/app/AppKernel.php';
Edit file composer.json with the new web folder name
"extra": {
"symfony-web-dir": "../public_html/myapp"