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Getting index of an item in an ObservableCollection inside the item

I'd like to be able to display an index value from within a DataTemplate, but I don't want the data to be persisted or backed by the model or viewmodel. In other words, if the order of the items in the OC changes, I don't want to have to recalculate the indexes. The value should be intrinsically tied to the underlying index in the OC. It is okay if the index is 0-based (in fact, I'd expect it).

One method that others have used is the AlternationIndex AP, but this has its own pitfalls for certain situations.

One last thought: I can't help but think that a converter is going to be helpful in a final solution.


  • I would use a converter to do this.

    The trick is giving it the source collection, either on the ConverterParameter or a Dependency Property. At that point, conversion is as simple as using IndexOf.

    Here's a sample converter that does this:

    public class ItemToIndexConverter : IValueConverter
        public object Convert(...)
            CollectionViewSource itemSource = parameter as CollectionViewSource;
            IEnumerable<object> items = itemSource.Source as IEnumerable<object>;
            return items.IndexOf(value as object);
        public object ConvertBack(...)
            return Binding.DoNothing;

    You can make the implementation strongly typed, return a formatted string as a number, etc. The basic pattern will be as above though.

    This implementation uses the parameter approach, as making a DP is more messy in my view. Because you can't bind ConverterParameter, I have it set to a static resource that is bound to the collection:

    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="collectionSource" Source="{Binding Path=MyCollection}" />
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=ItemToIndexConverter}, 
                   ConverterParameter={StaticResource ResourceKey=collectionSource}}"/>