I had this script working fine until the end user wanted the headers formatted differently. This is a simple dump from AD using the ActiveDirectory module, but now when I try to run this I get errors. Looks like I'm not using correct format for Select-Object? Thx
Select : The E key has no value. At G:\MarcG\Scripts\AD-Extract.ps1:19 char:17 + $User | Select @{N='Source KEY'; E=$_.SamAccountName}, + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Select-Object], NotSupportedException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DictionaryKeyMissingValue,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectObjectCommand
$users = (get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(&(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!objectClass=inetOrgPerson))(sAMAccountName=s0*)(!sAMAccountName=*-d)(!sAMAccountName=*-e)(!sAMAccountName=*-a)(!Name=Test*)(!Name=v-*)(!employeeID=\00))” -Properties SamAccountName,givenname,sn,enabled,accountexpires,employeeID,employeeNumber,title,company,costcenterID,costcenter,uHALocationName,streetAddress,st,postalcode,mail,xorgid)
ForEach ($User in $Users) {
If ($User.xorgid -ne $Null){
$bytes = $User.xOrgID
$newguid = new-object -TypeName System.Guid -ArgumentList (,$Bytes)
$User | Select @{N='Source KEY'; E=$_.SamAccountName},
@{N='First Name'; E=$_.givenname},
@{N='Last Name'; E=$_.sn},
@{N='Employee ID'; E=$_.employeeID},
@{N='Job Title'; E=$_.title},
@{N='Cost Center Number'; E=$_.costcenterID},
@{N='Cost Center Name'; E=$_.costcenter},
@{N='Work Facility Location'; E=$_.uHALocationName},
@{N='Work Address 1'; E=$_.streetAddress},
@{N='State'; E=$_.st},
@{N='Work Zip'; E=$_.postalcode},
@{N='Work Email'; E=$_.Mail},
@{N='xOrgID';E={($newguid.ToString()) }} | Export-csv -Path $Out_file -NoTypeInformation -Append
Else {$User | Select @{N='Source KEY'; E=$_.SamAccountName},
@{N='First Name'; E=$_.givenname},
@{N='Last Name'; E=$_.sn},
@{N='Employee ID'; E=$_.employeeID},
@{N='Job Title'; E=$_.title},
@{N='Cost Center Number'; E=$_.costcenterID},
@{N='Cost Center Name'; E=$_.costcenter},
@{N='Work Facility Location'; E=$_.uHALocationName},
@{N='Work Address 1'; E=$_.streetAddress},
@{N='State'; E=$_.st},
@{N='Work Zip'; E=$_.postalcode},
@{N='Work Email'; E=$_.Mail} |
Export-csv -Path $Out_file -NoTypeInformation -Append
Unless you're referencing an existing property name, the Expression
value of a calculated property is supposed to be a [ScriptBlock]
, not a naked statement:
"abc" | Select-Object @{Name="Length";Expression=$_.Length}
"abc" | Select-Object @{Name="Length";Expression={$_.Length}}
Notice the {}
around $_.Length
With your shorthand key names that is then:
Select-Object @{N="Name";E={$_.Property}}