I'm sure there must be an easy solution for this, but I have been unable to find it. I'm using Python Pyramid in my server and handling requests/responses with AngularJS in Javascript. I'm using the Pyramid HTTP errors to handle some cases, and I'm able to catch them using the Angular http.error()
But this is where I'm stuck, I want to do something with the error messages but if I log the response I just see html code.
In Pyramid this is happening:
if exists:
# continue execution
return HTTPNotFound("The object does not exist")
And in Angular:
.success(function(data) {
// do something
// do something with the error message
How would I get that specific error message from the HTTP error? (I'm using JSON as my renderer btw)
Your render is not considered if you do not return a value for renderer but return a response or exception - so do not expect json on the output unless your error handler supports that.
You can do something like this instead:
return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(body=json.dumps(yourobj/string))
And then you can retrieve the JSON in your error handler and use angular.fromJson() to read it.